DICD [Practical]

In this Blog I have covered the simplified steps that will help you to start making cmos layot of your circuit.Basically popular tool for us engineers is Mentor Graphics pyxis IC station which is very expensive tool and you can't get crack version of it from anywhere.This tool is use to extract simulations in research paper.

I will recommend you to first watch video which is in Hindi language to clear your concept on logic behind cmos design [Sorry for bad clarity in advance] .and After that proceed to start working on the licence tool in your college ...steps of How to start it  and use it is given below after video.


getting started with Mentor Graphics pyxis IC station

1) in terminal

mkdir himanshu
cd himanshu
source /home/Software/cshrc/ams.cshrc

Software will be opened

File-->new schematics-->himanshu-inverter

go on library-->devices-->take 4-pin npos pmos connect body to above pin in both cases right click on each-->click edit and change to N instead nm something kind of variable

wire up the design and press ctrl+s and after that see the white list giving 0 error and 1 warning ignore that warning and

Press simulation

go on library -->add library-->add this path-->home/Software/Foundary/adk3_0/technology/ic/models/tsmco35.mod.

click on vdd and every input output one by one and force value on each

for vdd-->click force present on right side-->manage-->DC go to dc and add 5v
on i/p & o/p-->click force present on right side-->manage-->PATTERN as 100011 and value as 01 and add patern ,etc   while forcing simotan

add all waves by clicking input ,output from Analysis button-->Analysis setup-->transient setup there add start time and hold time .hold time as 400N

Click on Runeldo

at bottom you will get message as simulation happen successfully

click on add waves and finally you get waves

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