Wednesday 30 December 2015

How to use Zener Diode As a Voltage Regulator ?

To Make a Voltage Regulator with the help of Zener Diode you need following components

Breadboard                  -----Rs 90/-
jumper wires                -----Rs 10/-
Multimeter                   -----Rs 150/-
5V Zener Diode           -----Rs 10/-
150 ohm resistor          -----Rs 2/-
10K Potentiometer         ---Rs 10/-
9V Battery                     ----Rs 30/-

                          Total        Rs  302/-

After Collecting all above components you have to make a circuit as shown below with the help of these component.

After implementing above circuit your circuit will look like

You Can See Circuit in Action in video link given below:-


Tuesday 29 December 2015

Why we clock the flip flops ?

This is the best answer searched so far for the above question...
Simplified Answer in detail will be Coming soon...
well,i have readed it once and till now i can say in short he has said clock is used
1)to differentiate inputs.i.e with with the help of clock you can detect which inputs is missed by flip flops .he also added, D flip flop with no clock can either ignore input or just copy the input (which is not at all the flip flop ): GOT IT DUDE U SHOULD ALSO LEARN THAT PURPOSE OF D FLIP FLOP IS TO COPY AS WELL AS STORE THAT VALUE ....he also added that RS/SR flip flop can be used without clock as it has two input and thus there is a concept of self clocking there .( i also not able to make out what this self clocking means but if u got ....please share ur knowledge in comment section ).
2) he said if u want to make a circuit that can manage different inputs at a same time in that case u need clock in that circuit. he also added " If we do not want the other circuits which depend on the output to see the chaos, we make the circuit clocked. We allow a generous amount of time for the inputs to settle and then we indicate to the circuit to accept the values. "
source :

Why in electronics we sometimes require high voltage and low current ?

Ans: Basically when we talk about power transmission (P=V*I) . there we need to avoid any wastage of power during transmission from transmission line. So , in that case from plant (power plant) we send power in such a way that its voltage gets high and current gets small. Now By doing this :-
1) due to low current we don't require that thick wires. (Not only this in case we use thick wire there will be overheating due to joule heating effect)
2) due to low current we can able to avoid wastage in transmission line ! But How ? for that you have to consider an example : Let in your home you need 10V & 10A to run a particular device i.e (P= 10V * 10A=100W ). and for a case consider Plant is providing you 10V & 10 A (P=10V*10V=100W) through a transmission line having 10 ohm resistance. in this case on the transmission line there is a voltage drop of (V=I*R=10A*10ohm=100V) .Now this means you needed
--> 100V( power loss in transmission line) + 10 V( that you need to run your device) =110 V
which means  extra power needed by  plant to compensate transmission losses = 100V *10A=1000W .i.e plant needs 1000W extra in addition to your 100W that you needed in your home. Now think in case if you transmitted 0.1A and 1000V sets of value from power plant (i.e low current high voltage) to your home via same transmission line having 10 ohm resistance. This time you will achive same power P=0.1A*1000V=100W but this time your power loss will be just
V=10ohm*0.1A=1V     =>  P=1V * 0.1A=0.1W .
now judge yourself don't keep high difference between voltage and current (keeping current very small) and bear high loss in power and some high drops of voltages in transmission line or maintain a huge difference between them (keeping current very small) and compensate negligible losses.
The whole above scenario maintains a low V1⋅I1=V2⋅I2=const.
The show below is the general Power transmission model
gernal block diagram
And in India we follow Power transmission Model as shown below
ind tra
Now I will not stop here i am little more curious don't u wonder
How that huge voltage(Pump) of 1000V cause small current(speed of electron) of 0.1 A .How is it even possible ?
Ans For that you have to understand the coiling mechanism of is like that if you have more number of turns of coil as compared to input turns.then your transformer will act like step up  transformer and if less number of turns at output as compared to input then your transformer will act as a step down transformer. Beside coiling mechanism if you make out more physics behind it then u will probably got more satisfactory answer.

Watch The Video Shown Below

How to make a Air Flow Detector

Our Air Flow Detector circuit works on the concept of change in electrical resistance value of the lamp's filament when air is passes over it. Indirectly it is a temperature on tungsten which changes resistance on change in temperature. when temperature around tungsten gets low then resistance of filament also gets low which ultimately decreases voltage at positive terminal of op amp and led glows.
In normal condition when temperature of tungsten is high i.e. when no air is flown over bulb then electrical resistance value of lamp increases and thus there is high voltage at positive terminal of op amp due to which the output of opamp is also of that positive terminal that is 5V which is coming out of the IC-7805.  Now if u see below circuit you will find on one end of led there is this 5V from O/P of opamp and on other end you again get almost same voltage .As a result of with net potential difference across led will be 0V and thus led not glow.
In Cool Condition, when Air is passed over the bulb then in that case the electrical resistance value of lamp decreases and thus there is low voltage at positive terminal of op amp as compared to voltage at negative terminal. due to which the output at that opamp comes out to be that of negative terminal .And it is obvious that this negative terminal voltage that is coming out from the output of opamp will be less compared to the voltage at other end of led.therefore,in this case there will be potential difference across led and thus it glows in this case.
During construction of this circuit one of the challenging task is breaking the bulb to get filament (show in a figure below). steps of how to extract filament out of bulb is shown on left portion of second figure.

Now How to Break a Bulb
1) Wrap a Bulb with Tape
2)Hold a Bulb in Bench wise
3)Rotate it slowly slowly and don't  let it fall on ground.That is rather catch it on your hand.
4)Remove the Tape and you find the filament part as shown below

Once u have build ur circuit after that u need to calibrate ur circuit with the help of 10k potentiometer .As i did with screw driver in video .

Watch Above Circuit in action on video shown below :-

For More Photo's [Click Here]

Interfacing Stepper Motor with Microprocessor 8085

Things Required
8085 microprocessor kit, breadboard, 8285 interfacing, jumper wires , 6 wire-unipolar stepper motor.
Wiring of steeper Motor
wir of step mot
We have the resistance of each wire with respect to centre tap .the correct order of wire which can result in clockwise and anticlockwise direction is detected.
We have detected A=blue B=Red C= Dark Yellow D=Light Yellow
Two Green Wires-Ground
More More Detailed Information you can Read my handwritten notes about stepper motor on this link
this is our desirable output that we want from any port of 8285 . it can be port A--OUT 28 , port B-- OUT 29, PORT C--OUT 30.
 A B C   D
PROGRAM                                      OPCODE
MVI A,80                                        3E,80
OUT 2B                                           D3,2B
BACK:       MVI A,08                                        3E,08
OUT 28                                           D3,28
MVI A,04                                        3E,04
OUT 28                                           D3,28
MVI A,02                                        3E,02
OUT 28                                           D3,28
MVI A,01                                       3E,01
OUT 28                                          D3,28
MVI A,02                                        3E,02
OUT 28                                           D3,28
MVI A,04                                       3E,04
OUT 28                                           D3,28
MVI A,08                                       3E,08
OUT 28                                          D3,28
CALL BACK                                 CD 04 20

Calculating teeths of stepper Motor
After burning a code on a 8085 Kit it is observed that motor was rotating in clockwise and anticlockwise direction.
It is seen each step of stepper Motor was observed to be =19 degree
We Know By formula
Angle Of Rotation per pulse = 360/(The No. of teeth on Rotor)
So By Calculation,
No. of teeth on Rotor =360/19=18.9 =19 (approx)
i.e 19 teeths are there in motor
Now I know ur biggest doubt is How to Burn Code in a Kit . So, Bro ...first of all tell u here we are bounded to use only 8085 and not 8086 becoz our pheripheral 8255 is a 8-bit and thus compatible to only 8085. Now in ur lab u will find 2 kinds of 8085 kit .First that have LCD display  and also Keybord is seprately attached to it . and second kit of 8085 is having keybord embedded in to that kit only. For Pheriheral use second type of 8085 kit in which u have to first press RESET--> REL EXEM-->2000(i.e the location from where u want to store ur code)-->Start writting ur OP CODES  (address will itself gets incremented) just press NEXT after every OP CODE.......after writting complete opcodes -->press FILL-->press GOTO-->2000( from where u have started writting ur opcodes)-->NEXT------Now u will see a magic ..i.e u will find led's start glowing in ur pheripheral---->Track which port corresponds to that led's. and connect ur right sequence of wires of stepper motor on that particular Port
in first kit of 8085 sequence of entering a code is
Anshuman-->PRESS S-->sub.-->PRESS ENTER-->meom.-->PRESS ENTER-->addr.-->ENTER 2000 ( starting location of program)-->start entering op codes-->PRESS ESC-->d/esc abort..lab ! lab !-->PRESS G-->command go to-->PRESS ENTER-->Burst addr-->2000(starting addr of program)-->wait (in case if prog contains hlt (76) )-->PRESS RESET FROM KIT NOT FROM KEYBOARD-->anshuman--->PRESS S-->subs.-->PRESS ENTER-->meom.-->PRESS ENTER-->addr.-->ENTER 2500( the location where  u want to see o/p)-->answer will come press ENTER ENTER to see others value.
and in 8086 sequence of entering the code is
for that look at lab file on given link

watch video for this project