Tuesday 29 December 2015

Why we clock the flip flops ?

This is the best answer searched so far for the above question...
Simplified Answer in detail will be Coming soon...
well,i have readed it once and till now i can say in short he has said clock is used
1)to differentiate inputs.i.e with with the help of clock you can detect which inputs is missed by flip flops .he also added, D flip flop with no clock can either ignore input or just copy the input (which is not at all the flip flop ): GOT IT DUDE U SHOULD ALSO LEARN THAT PURPOSE OF D FLIP FLOP IS TO COPY AS WELL AS STORE THAT VALUE ....he also added that RS/SR flip flop can be used without clock as it has two input and thus there is a concept of self clocking there .( i also not able to make out what this self clocking means but if u got ....please share ur knowledge in comment section ).
2) he said if u want to make a circuit that can manage different inputs at a same time in that case u need clock in that circuit. he also added " If we do not want the other circuits which depend on the output to see the chaos, we make the circuit clocked. We allow a generous amount of time for the inputs to settle and then we indicate to the circuit to accept the values. "
source :http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/65173/why-do-we-clock-flip-flops

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