Sunday 22 May 2016

Interfaces (I2C ,SPI, RS232)

Interfaces are the protocols that are required by the devices to interact. Some of the common Interfaces are I2C,SPI,RS232 Interface.
Among three interface SPC is fastest after that comes I2C and finally RS232 which not has any clock. Watch below video to gain practical Knowledge too about above mentioned interfaces.Arduino has inbuilt SPC,I2C interface. and  Raspberrypi has inbuilt all interfaces. 

In below Video Ben Heck
Used SPC--to interface distance sensor with arduino
Used I2C--to interface temperature sensor with arduino
Used RS232--to interface Speaker using chip which too interfaced with the chip of RS232 which finally connected to computer where command were desired words were written to hear one by user.

Watch Below Video for better Understanding.

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