Tuesday 31 May 2016


TPU (Tensor Processing Unit)

-->Google has said that this device is far away better than CPU,GPU,FPGA's.
-->This is far better from above devices as it uses less transistor per unit watt
-->But contrary some blogs says at same time it occupies more power
-->This is use to develop custom hardware
-->This will be attached to the Hardisk's at Google data centre
-->One can develop custom Hardware's Using these TPU access through cloud i guess.
-->Google street view and its deep mind technology Alpha Go (Chinese Game that represent human brain) works on this TPU.
--> It is 7 generation higher than More's Law
-->It is develop with an requirnment that great softwares needs beautiful hardware
-->It is discussed in I/O conference Google by CEO sundar pichai

Reference :-Google Blog

Watch Last few minutes of speech by CEO Sundar Pichai in below video

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