Sunday 10 April 2016

Battery Charging Circuits

In your Home Socket there comes an AC that you convert into DC using your adapter [AC-->Transformer[Coils Mutual Induction] {for step down} + Rectifier [wave shaping circuits] + Capacitor-->DC]

once DC come out of Adapter Via USB you charge your battery

Between USB port and battery there is some circuit that charges the Battery which is embedded with many features.

Q What are these Circuits Responsible for ?

Ans . Many things like
1) Battery protection circuit-Sometime Battery itself featured by this function.Sometime we have to provide this function using some special circuitry like using IC-DW01A
beside this function there is many more fuction .To Know about it Watch the Video that is provided in the end.

Q What Kind of Circuits/IC's that are currently available in the Market to charge battery via USB ?

  1.  MCP73831-charge 0.5 A 
  2.  TP4056 -charge 1 A [Recoccmended for  LiPos Battery]   {LiPos are rectangular shaped batteries        where as Lions are cylinderical shaped Batteries }

Buy TP4056 at Rs 119/- from Ebay [Click Here] to Buy One

For Detailed In-depth Understanding about TP4056 Watch the Video Shown below

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