Friday 15 April 2016


DSP Processor

Keypoints that is mentioned in the video given below.But Anyway for detailed information watch just 8:26 minute video given below

Meomory -considering Ram.In Ram Meomory your size of Meomory is judged by no. of chips meomory chips present on it.

DSP processor is a chip that go into the circuit module known as PVDM's{ packet voice dsp module}.Similar to Ram Meomory no. of chips of dsp in PVDM's make me know how big is my PVDMS

DSP processor is used in your router(gateway) to convert TDM format by PSTN into IP format that is understandable by your telephone.

DSP processor  also switch your organization telephone system from PSTN(G711) to WAN(G729).you can say DSP processor is used in transcode.

DSP processor is also used in conferencing between organizations seperated by WAN .both having dedicated DSP's.Moreover ,DSP also enables organization to have confrencing among there team members also via just use of router having DSP's

DSP Processor Commercial

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